This is a 1:1 scall full size Stormbreaker prop replica. All 100% handmade. These are $850 by themselves and you will see why when you see the quality!
The original was sculpted with mixed media, including: clay, MDF, styrene, epoxy sculpt, and wood. The “metal” parts are carved/sculpted out of MDF and details are added with styrene plastic sheeting and clay. The handle was sculpted with clay around a wooded dowel rod. The parts were all molded and this replica is cast from those molds.
Item is produced using a process called cold casting, wherein Ia finely ground aluminum powder coats the mold with it. When the resin is poured into the mold, it soaks up the metal powder, and once hardened, creates a thin metal veneer on the casting. That metal veneer is polished with steel wool to produce a durable, real metal luster. The handle has a steel pipe running the length of the handle, embedded in the resin, with a threaded coupling in the middle. The handle can be unscrewed in the middle for easy transport or storage.
The overall length is 42″(3.5ft long) and it weighs about 18lbs.
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