Put the following information on the back of the backing board (or on a post-it on the slab if you are sending in a graded comic):
Send your book in a properly prepped window bag or have us prep a bag for you (additional fee applies). Don’t know how to properly prep a window bag, please search the web for “How to window bag comics for signings”. If you are not sending a window bag with your book, please indicate where you want the signature placement to be. If your book is currently encapsulated we do charge a cracking fee.
Pop boxes must be sent flattened and without the pop. If for some reason, this cannot be done or you would rather send them unflattened there is a different tier for unflattened Funkos. If sending in unflattened oversize Funkos, you must contact us prior to sending as there could be unique send-in instructions.
Put the following information on a post-it note, painters tape, or label of your choice on the back of the pop:
Put the following information on a post-it note, painters tape, or label of your choice on the front of the pop:
Put the following information on a post-it note, painters tape, or label of your choice on the back of the item:
Put the following information on a post-it note, painters tape, or label of your choice on the front (See disclaimer at top of page):
If you request multiple signatures on your flat / poster, please use a post-it note for each individual signature. This means if you want 3 signatures on your poster, you should have 3 post-it notes with the above information on each one.
Put the following information on a post-it note, painters tape, or label of your choice on the back:
Put the following information on a post-it note, painters tape, or label of your choice on the front (See disclaimer at top of page):
If you request multiple signatures on your prop/oversize item, please use a post-it note for each individual signature. This means if you want 3 signatures on your item, you should have 3 post-it notes with the above information on each one. PLEASE NOTE: Props often have specific mailing instructions and are sometimes mailed directly to a signing instead of our office. Please contact us prior to mailing any props to our office.
All items will be sent to our office unless stated otherwise in the event details section. We do have a submission cutoff for each signing, so please make sure to mail your item(s) timely. Cut-off date is specified in each event description.
USPS Mailing Address (Preferred way to ship):
ATTN: xx – (use the initials of the signer or name of convention you are submitting for)
PO BOX 378
Fed Ex/UPS/DHL Address:
ATTN: xx – (use the initials of the signer or name of convention you are submitting for)
Prior to mailing any props, flats over 16×20 that can not be rolled, or other large items, please contact us to see if there are special mailing instructions such as where to mail items, if return shipping labels are required, etc!